Research and psychological transformation
The challenge
There were 2 major challenges;
Redesigning the website.
Getting over by bias as an designer.
My role
Product designer
Mistake explained
“Designing solo” so for the app redesign i was mostly conducting user testing amongst people at the workspace i go to without really collaborating with the team.
The outcome
The feedback was mostly negative, no need to highlight.
I learnt that the function of our website was for marketing, so definitely marketing had to be heavily involved.
The problem?
I have never collaborated with non-technical team mates before so this was a learning experience, how do i effectively lead the team with no experience?
The solution?
Design a sitemap that led to wireframe templates of each page so that the marketing team can create wireframes of each page.
Negative; marketers have no business wireframing, its not their JD.
Started with sketches and multiple trials and error but this is the first iteration.
Iteration 1